Ending of the world If the world's ending in these few days; I'll not wait for the change or hope rays, Instead, will live the life in the best ways. I'll try to let go all the grudges I've hold, Seek forgiveness for bitterness I've told I'd reconcile with everyone; new or old! I'd like to walk down my childhood lane Revisiting the lot of memories I've gain For there's never gonna be a chance again. The pieces of my broken family, I'll gather, Digging past of the past happenings; rather, I'll try fill love to the pieces that're in scatter There's so much I wanted to do before I die, And thus I won't waste time asking God why, Mourn over a coming loss, bitterly I'll not cry! I'll make a life I wanted in that time I'm gifted Marrying; to a lovely place we'd have shifted, For we can't question if death can be drifted! ©Aarchi Advani Saini #ending #Worlfpoetryday #world #incredibleindia #drowning