WHEN BOOK SPEAKS! I am always bemused by your display, Making my mind wander across varied fields of gold! I grasp as much as I can but this mine is treasure trove. The more I eat your filling words, My mind still needs more. Stuck with your charming wisdom, I keep treading far deeper ,exploring more! When Books speak to me and they always do, I am lost in conversations satiating my hunger, I am always a winner as I gain my share, Happy like a kid winning chocolates in return! Words etched in my mind satisfy my soul, They always tread with me,may I be happy or dull. They flash on the screen of my eyes with wisdom in tow, Letting me know I am not alone. They make me happy,encourage me when I am lost, This books speak just wisdom,all in language of love! #livelovelifeagain #writtenwithpassion