मुझे रूठना पसंद नही, कि मै कहता हूं, मुझे रूठना पसंद नही, पर हालात से आप भी बेखबर हो, काश आप वो त्याग देते, जिस से मुझे फर्क पड़ता रहा, और आपको बिल्कुल भी नही। -अभि (A post written for father, from his loving son who was concerned for him so much,but at the end he failed) ⭐At the end that son failed after trying a lot in order to save his father from negative energies, environment and this cruel world. But his father never listened him, he only did what makes him pleasure to do irrespective to what his son tries to explain him. when life hits you back, at that point of time the one who are with you in ur hard times, you should always cherish them. It's not always about taking care for love or money. But sometimes siting near together, sharing words of joy with each other is also royal bliss. Why such happens, when life hits you hard, you got to remember those who always are concerned for you, but when you are leading your life in happy mode you tends to forget those who were with you in your hard times. । At the end son just fails. ⭐ #LoveYouDad #Failure #writersofinstagram #writersofindia #fatherson #Attempt #Love #Fades #Like