Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform

Infants mew, babies cry Children tantrum, -its the

Infants mew, babies cry
Children tantrum, -its their
Language of Expression !
Grown ups once in a while ,!
Mothers cry;Fathers not !
The matured hold back--
But Sorrow is there..
Sobs, Cries, Shouts, Laments
All out of fashion..!!
But none would be mistaken
Dignity,Prestige and Image
Make you a Refined Personality !!  Write a poem about #hownottocry. #poemtime  #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with YourQuote Baba
Infants mew, babies cry
Children tantrum, -its their
Language of Expression !
Grown ups once in a while ,!
Mothers cry;Fathers not !
The matured hold back--
But Sorrow is there..
Sobs, Cries, Shouts, Laments
All out of fashion..!!
But none would be mistaken
Dignity,Prestige and Image
Make you a Refined Personality !!  Write a poem about #hownottocry. #poemtime  #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with YourQuote Baba

Varadhan P M

New Creator