Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform

Raise your voice WRITERS *Register ur objec

Raise your voice WRITERS *Register ur objections by sending a email to before AUGUST 11.
 Its high time people, do your part so that you can save ur future basic rights to live ,to breathe, to lead a peaceful life ahead ,not only you your offsprings n upcoming generations too!
We writers have more power to do this happen, through our writings, stream your thoughts n let all to know about this EIA2020DRAFT and registering our opposition through a email to .
Do it people!

Raise your voice WRITERS *Register ur objections by sending a email to before AUGUST 11.
 Its high time people, do your part so that you can save ur future basic rights to live ,to breathe, to lead a peaceful life ahead ,not only you your offsprings n upcoming generations too!
We writers have more power to do this happen, through our writings, stream your thoughts n let all to know about this EIA2020DRAFT and registering our opposition through a email to .
Do it people!