Dearest Mathematics, I'm doing extremely awful, forasmuch as I fall each time I endeavour to figure out solutions, for your problems. As a commerce student, I came up with a deal. Why don't we trade our fixes? Every time you apply differentiation to save me from deep waters, I'll solve trigonometric identities. If you find the probability of felicities that'll stay on my platter, I'll come up with the required terms of combinations. If you're stuck helpless at some point, we'll cancel our partnership. At equilibrium point, we'll take interlude. Algebraic signature demanded. Yours ungratefully, Not-a-math-lover. Dearest Mathematics, I'm doing extremely awful, forasmuch as I fall each time I endeavour to figure out solutions, for your problems. As a commerce student, I came up with a deal. Why don't we trade our fixes? Every time you apply differentiation to save me from deep waters, I'll solve trigonometric identities.