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I couldn't hear the ant that I stepped on, say "i

I couldn't hear the ant that I stepped on, say "i can't breathe"
But many heard the 'gentle giant' say it
I wonder, how could they breathe, they who saw his breath being stifled
How can they still continue breathing everyday
Today, the word Racism is alive n breathing in a callous world
"I can't breathe" shall echo in our ears till Racism is strangulated
Dear George Floyd, we are sorry that we are still breathing 
We breathe to eliminate this virus that snuffed out your last breath
Individually we maybe tiny ants but collectively we hope to become ferocious giants
Soon, Racism will stop breathing, we promise you
 "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality" – Desmond Tutu, Human Rights Activist.

The word Racism started to make its first manifestation in the early twentieth century but the idea that a certain group of people are superiors than other has been around in the word for an extensive time. For example in 15th century and 16th century, the African populations were considered to be lower than any race and the Europeans use them as slaves. Even before that when the Egyptians use the Jewish population as slaves to help them build their famous pyramids with their hard unpaid manual labor.  One of the worst racist events against any ethnic group situated in Europe, to be accurate in Germany beneath the command of Hitler; slaughtering millions of Jews, Gypsies, and Catholics.

George Floyd, the 46-year-old African American whose killing by a police led to the worldwide protest against racism and police brutality, will be laid to rest today in Houston, the city where he grew up.

Standing at six foot four inches, Floyd was known to friends and family as a "gentle giant."
I couldn't hear the ant that I stepped on, say "i can't breathe"
But many heard the 'gentle giant' say it
I wonder, how could they breathe, they who saw his breath being stifled
How can they still continue breathing everyday
Today, the word Racism is alive n breathing in a callous world
"I can't breathe" shall echo in our ears till Racism is strangulated
Dear George Floyd, we are sorry that we are still breathing 
We breathe to eliminate this virus that snuffed out your last breath
Individually we maybe tiny ants but collectively we hope to become ferocious giants
Soon, Racism will stop breathing, we promise you
 "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality" – Desmond Tutu, Human Rights Activist.

The word Racism started to make its first manifestation in the early twentieth century but the idea that a certain group of people are superiors than other has been around in the word for an extensive time. For example in 15th century and 16th century, the African populations were considered to be lower than any race and the Europeans use them as slaves. Even before that when the Egyptians use the Jewish population as slaves to help them build their famous pyramids with their hard unpaid manual labor.  One of the worst racist events against any ethnic group situated in Europe, to be accurate in Germany beneath the command of Hitler; slaughtering millions of Jews, Gypsies, and Catholics.

George Floyd, the 46-year-old African American whose killing by a police led to the worldwide protest against racism and police brutality, will be laid to rest today in Houston, the city where he grew up.

Standing at six foot four inches, Floyd was known to friends and family as a "gentle giant."

Chitra Iyer

New Creator