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Holding a biased opinion is heartless and headless

Holding a biased opinion is heartless and headless at the same time. A good person never lets you down, let it be male or female. The society we are living in has turned brutally patriarchal and is moving on with just one motto : Constrain the women to where they are bound to be from the earlier times i.e., the kitchen(home, in a wider view). Right now, if we just give a thought to how women are inferior to men, I am proud to say I could find no answer. Women have made their mark in all professions. They have established their own identity in every sector. One thing that stays constant is change. And I can see that change happening and quite rapidly at it. The domineering hand of father as the head of the family will no longer be relevant. Perhaps, in the near future, we, men, would not be surprised or embarrassed by working under a female CEO. So, it's not too late to get rid of our biased opinion and let them do whatever they want. The kitchen is too dumb a place for your wife(or your daughter) to be at when she can do wonders in the outside world. I am not biased towards any gender. I am just one of those guys who wants to see an isobaric universe prevail.

Holding a biased opinion is heartless and headless at the same time. A good person never lets you down, let it be male or female. The society we are living in has turned brutally patriarchal and is moving on with just one motto : Constrain the women to where they are bound to be from the earlier times i.e., the kitchen(home, in a wider view). Right now, if we just give a thought to how women are inferior to men, I am proud to say I could find no answer. Women have made their mark in all professions. They have established their own identity in every sector. One thing that stays constant is change. And I can see that change happening and quite rapidly at it. The domineering hand of father as the head of the family will no longer be relevant. Perhaps, in the near future, we, men, would not be surprised or embarrassed by working under a female CEO. So, it's not too late to get rid of our biased opinion and let them do whatever they want. The kitchen is too dumb a place for your wife(or your daughter) to be at when she can do wonders in the outside world. I am not biased towards any gender. I am just one of those guys who wants to see an isobaric universe prevail.


Homo Sapien

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