--##Tips ##--- there are two types of substances(people) 1.Paramagnetic(single)::--have unpaired electrons -so affected by your magnetic field. 2.Dimagnetic(coupled) --have paired electrons--not affected by your magnetic field. 🙄?Bhai, inti Science Samaj nhi ati mujhe?? Hum Gariboon ka Kahani Aisa hota h: Ki Ladki dekha--Baat kiya--impress karte karte Saalo lag jata haan--Propose Karna ke baad She says:"Sorry,Bro,I am booked.😩😩 System slow. 🤔🤔 ?? Time--energy --opputunities🤓-Mb--All waste So, According to Science First=Check--un paired haan Ya Nhi Then she will be affected by your charismatic field of love. @ Demo, dekhle Durga Puujoo main #######