19012021 - 19/365 'Father' and 'Mother', they are not just two words. They are emotions for humankind. Not just portals to come to this mortal world. For one to be born is Nature's call. When many are born, there are unborn too. Without Mother, can there be a Father? Without Father, can there be a Mother? That is the truth of life. Our nation has a Father but no Mother? Who is that Mother? A child without a known Father? There is a name. A child without a known Mother? There is no name. The truth is, half of us are Mothers, if not more. Then you will evasively ask, 'What is in a name?' 19012021 - 19/365 'Father' and 'Mother', they are not just two words. They are emotions for humankind. Not just portals to come to this mortal world. For one to be born is Nature's call. When many are born, there are unborn too. Without Mother, can there be a Father?