How to read a DOCTOR'S handwriting? ~q4h=every 4 hours. ~qd=every day. ~qid=4 times a day. ~q3h=every 3 hour. ~qod=every other day. ~tid= 3 times a day. ~q=every. ~Rx=refer to xesus. ~ad lib=freely, as needed. ~bid=twice a day. ~prn=as needed. ~cap=capsule. ~tab=tablet. ~gtt=drops. ~mg=milligrams. ~ml=milliliters. ~ss=1 half. ~tbsp=tablespoon. ~tsp=teaspoon. ~ac=before meals. ~pc=after meals. ~hs=at bed time. ~int=between meals. ~ad=right ear. ~al=left ear. ~c or o =with. ~od=right eye. ~os=Left eye. ~ou=both eyes. ~po=by mouth. ~s or o= without. ~sl=sublingual. ~top=apply topically. ~SANAIE MEHVISH🌟 How to read a DOCTOR's handwriting?