LIFE They say don't let the child in you die... and they also ask us to act matured Once we are out into this world, we are expected to be dignified, calm and composed But is this the life we wanted? We generally expect not to suffer or to hurt someone... but these up's and down's are a part of us! If you always try to stay "noble" and "elevated", Trust me! You are missing out something... You will miss trusting people, you will miss finding happiness in little things, and you will regret missing those simple joys of life Lead your life the way you wanted irrespective of all your heartbreaks and trauma... Don't let your life be a puppet on someone else's opinion and interests Some midnight thoughts and feelings :) #life #mylifelessons #love #myquoteandyours #yourquotebaba #lifeisnotalwaysthesame #yqbaba #midnightthoughts