Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform

Nestling in your arms is not my presence, but a

Nestling in your arms 
is not my presence, 
but a feedback of whimpers 
spent in hours away from you. 
It’s when I reach those crucial seconds 
before you see me, 
that I find worth in a frugality
everyone calls life. #mothersday #mothersdayquotes

#calmkaziwrites #mother #yqbaba #feedback
Nestling in your arms 
is not my presence, 
but a feedback of whimpers 
spent in hours away from you. 
It’s when I reach those crucial seconds 
before you see me, 
that I find worth in a frugality
everyone calls life. #mothersday #mothersdayquotes

#calmkaziwrites #mother #yqbaba #feedback


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