Blazing Shadows Lately, I am struggling to face the clouds They are not the ones I love, floating in the sky These are the burning clouds, made of suns Cruel in their nature, they always roam above my head Pretty distractions I rely on, ain’t capable enough To become an umbrella, protecting my head It’s just the morn, and they are here Weighing me down with their flames, too hot to bear They drag me to the places I don’t want to visit, Now I am bleeding again, with no first aid available Feeling like my breaths are also falling short, My vision sometimes becomes blurry Because of the smokes of the clouds inflame It’s a painful cycle I often get trapped in, No escape is able to save me for long Is there anyone hearing, The quiet sound of my gradual falling? ©Saurav Banerjee poetry poetry lovers sad poetry #darkpoetry #Nojoto #poem #Poetry #BlazingShadows