Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform

Smart people: 1 change their mind* 2 read and wri

Smart people:

1 change their mind*
2 read and write more
3 brag less
4 ask questions
5 stay teachable
6 show gratitude
7 talk less, but say more
8 work on problems longer
9 when stuck, ask for help
10 have smarter friends
11 seek feedback
12 collaborate

*this list will change #SmartPeople
Smart people:

1 change their mind*
2 read and write more
3 brag less
4 ask questions
5 stay teachable
6 show gratitude
7 talk less, but say more
8 work on problems longer
9 when stuck, ask for help
10 have smarter friends
11 seek feedback
12 collaborate

*this list will change #SmartPeople