The only number available When I hit lower than decibels, Is off AASRA, a suicide helpline, Although those rough 6 months at a place, where my dad said Id be alright. Hah, it was made sure ill never be fine.. I managed to send 2 people to tell my dad, he aint fine, but who gives an F If I were to narrate what all I was subjected to, I bet ya'll need a therapist. To hell with everyone I gotta get it off my chest Warning: Chapter 2 isn't for weakhearted. #truth #uglytruth #reinvent #riseofphoenix #nojoto #nojotoevery #nojotoEnglish #rapper #inspiration #nevergiveup #survival #humiliation #genderdesolation #fuckfear #freestylerap #1111 #iwanttoheal #healing #love #ptsd