All those misty flakes which you awhile named as "Rain", have the compliance to fall in the night. When the human would have been caged and the humanity resides with the sane. So that it could sanitize the Earth which was abluted with the stains of cherubic blood. Not much extend this injustice dares to prevail for demons hassle to succeed their accomodate. Nevertheless the melodious tune belongs to the noise when those innocents did wail. Thus you solace when this storm flushes away the sins which you were boarding since ages and never fanded to remove off. Hence to approximte, salvation has attained under the guise of "Rain". For better vision: All those misty flakes which you awhile named as "Rain", have the compliance to fall in the night. When the human would have been caged and the humanity resides with the sane. So that it could sanitize the Earth which was abluted with the stains of cherubic blood. Not much extend this injustice dares to prevail for demons hassle to succeed their accomodate. Nevertheless the melodious tune belongs to the noise when those innocents did wail. Thus you solace when this storm flu