CONVERSATIONS Brew up new imaginations Make room for modest clarifications. Moments to memories, chats confess some midnight stories. Typing emotions verified with dozens of emojis. Sinking down the ocean of time the most beautiful memories cede their cachet. Some mushy tales secured in their soul sachet. These conversations pave gateway to a glacé time. Rereading them feels so easy on the eye. As pretty as a picture, these sugary tales twinkle with a lustre. Minutes count to hours and hours mushroom days. A ravel of naïve emotions unbound the worldly hassles. Some years in life, we all remember with a sigh. When beaut mates stood by side, holding us tight. These ages when lived bore warm stories, Unnamed and unavowed, made the perfect picture for the chassis. ~Ushoshi New day new thoughts... #newstories#conversation#lostdays#ages#years#friendship#love#life