Surrender: The End Anguished at the eternity of this tug-a-war pendulum Between slippery success and faltering steps wide The burly samurai finally looked skyward for asylum Blood gushing off his buckling ankles like landslide Plucking a lotus off the stream he knelt in surrender Dissolving his pride in acceptance to supreme grace A tear of worshipful prayer for redemption from under The salvation plea writ all over His stained face The light descended perched on the arc of million wings Striking a ray so fierce ripping through the reptile Setting the elephant free in a glance that love brings Dissolving the crocodile into the bedrock by a mile #smimano Gajendra Moksham: Part 3 'The dissolution of Mirrors' The mind finally exhausted by the web of cause and effect, turns inward to the redemption. And in one swift stroke of salvation, the mirror dissolves into a mist when the seen realizes, he's the seer.