Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform

In the foundation of every building Lies the i

In the foundation of every building
 Lies the industry of foundation laying
An art form of precision and skill, 
A craft that withstands time's relentless sway.

From the first scoop of earth to the final pour,
 The foundation industry builds with care
, Meticulously crafting each floor, 
With strength and durability rare.

The pillars of steel, the beams of concrete, 
Are the bones of a structure that stands the test,
 Of storms and earthquakes and winds that beat,
 Against its walls, its roof, its crest.

The foundation industry is a masterful art.

An intricate dance of man and machine,
 A symphony of labor, sweat, and heart, 
That creates a solid base for all to glean.

So let us celebrate this industry grand,
 That lays the groundwork for our modern world,
 For without it, no edifice could stand, 
And no dream could ever be unfurled.

©twisha ray
  The foundation

twisha ray

New Creator
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