Being impatient only uproots you from your expectations. Don't know if i am that impatient but surely i must have been doing something wrong all these months ,the one whom you care for is your desire but to accept the same in return is your greed ,and being greedy only makes life stressful .the things you say ,you do ,you cry heart out hardly makes one feel for it ,its actually true that no one cares ,its just they are that much well behaved they know how to behave when you are down .There should be certain limitation how much to speak and what to speak ,once you are emptied you are like emptied jar placed on some corners ,hardly of any use. Harsh but true,no one cares and eventually you have to admit destiny prevails and i know my destination already ,which sucks like hell. #yqlovesucks #yqlifesucks #yqbaba #yqquotes #yqdidi #yqonesidedlove