( A SMALL POEM ) उस ओर से जब हवा आई , उम्मीद की तरह यूं लहरायी। पैगाम वहाँ का उसने फरमाया , हकीकत में हमें जीना सिखलाया। रेशम से खिले हुए अंदाज़ लेकर , सपनों को सितारों से चमकाया। असर हुआ वो जैसे शून्य से अमर , शालीनता से उस पहेली को सुलझाया। ( From the side when the wind came, things started floating like expected. He said to her about there's, who taught us to live in reality. And flavored with silk, the dreams were brightened up by the stairs. The effect was like zero to immortal, gracefully solving the puzzle..... ) -📝Jyoti choudhary (monu) don't judge ..... don't serious.... ......just penned a poem Please Gives us Feedback about My Poem..... you can Collaborate here... Follow me on Instagram and Facebook page "jyoti_choudhary1998" PLEASE DO RESPECT ..... DON'T TRYING TO DO BAD THING'S...