I promise me, to always smile, even if the things, aren't going fine. I promise me, to never cry, even if the stars, are against my side. I promise me, to make sure I try, even if I loose, a hundred times. I promise me, to spread my wings, even if I know, they are going to cling. I promise me, to accept the truth, even if it means, I've to loose my troops. I promise me, to not loose hope, even if there's no one, to make me cope. I promise me, to find the light, even if it is, the dark new moon night. I promise me, to be with me, even if there is, no one around to be. I promise me, to be me, at and in, all the times. #NojotoQuote #promise #promiseday 'Cause only I can keep the promises I made.🤞 #Nojoto #firsttimeonNojoto #MOKSHA19 #NSUT