Nay, not that first love, But that which you thought would remain, Although it didn't And, still, you find yourself Living in its pain. Nay, not that first spark Of lust, of attraction, of naive desires That quickly faded As soon as the first glitch poured forth Betwixt you both. Nay, not that first tear; Not even the one that had you yelling As if the world was ending; No, not those childhood dreams Of happy-ever-afters and first-kiss thrills. It's about the one who arrived In the most unexpected instance That even after it ended, Even after all the others who came since then, You're still stuck in his dulcet shadow, As if he never really left. Ah, a love that's been hanging And hanging still. "Dulcet Memories of Him" #DulcetMemoriesofHim #Diwa #KwentongDiwa #YQBaba