HAPPY WOMAN'S DAY TO ALL LOVELY LADIES.❤❤❤ i am a temple made of gold and light bound together by prayer i tend the gardens of my crystalline soul green and everlasting i am a woman divine with a fiery core ready to burn her way through the ashes i see myself for all that i am always changing never not fearless and devoted to the highest remembering of the call i hear it like the river raging like the hawk soaring up in the sky i feel it deeply this path i am walking in the deep-blue depths of my soles and my feet dance like thunder upon dampened soil wet from the storms that have come but i will dance until my body crumbles into the home from which it grew; the earth. ❤❤❤ ©KhaultiSyahi #Women #Woman #womensDay #womensday2022 #khaultisyahi #womanpower #womenempowerment #follow4follow