brother i miss you every second, the way you used to laugh off at all your worries , the way you were able to carry your enthusiasm no matter what, the way you were proactive to hear the appreciation from papa ,teachers & the way you worked towards those, i miss them all. the way you were being positive always , curious to know stuffs , determined, the way you handled exam pressure by just crying heart out one day before exam in the mommy's lap ,i miss them all. the way you thought life's meaningful and the positive vibes you had i lack them all now. the way you started day dreaming of fairy characters in mountains and moon light ,i regret that ,that fascination with your unnecessary emotions made you impractical over the years ,i wish i could change that but being the younger version of myself i take pride in whatever and however you did, atleast you were true to everything you did. i wish you had the vision to see when to switch over your fantasies into reality, forgetting everything absurd .but i still love the way you fantasized stuffs and created a new world for self ,little you knew fantasies are meant to be kept within and it exists in some sort of tales only. #Collab and write a letter to your #youngerself #YourQuoteAndMine Collaborating with YourQuote Baba