The blue skies and the turquoise water
I still remember the stories before Agustus waters
The hand I would see without any colour
Escaping into places which never really appeared
With a brush of reality, He entered
Renaming my weird as his enamour
Driving my madness to his home. #Love#Relationships#poem#lovepoems#dreamboy#relationshipqoutes
I have noticed this pattern
of how rains pour
the winds may enter in silence
and the drizzle evoke the sky in petrichor
the romance of fragrance and moisture
awakening the ghost of lost pearls from the oysters
the voice of the trickle-down the windowpane
tapping the insides of hollow homes and dingy lanes #poem#poems
truth is in flaw.
flaw is what is raw.
raw is real.
raw is true.
let you and them be flawed, let you n them be raw.
fear, believe, fight, stay.
that's all it takes..
she lived a life so dark
that she drank his storms to feel alive.
the thunders he poured, were the only bruises of light.