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Shreeja Roy


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Shreeja Roy

When Humans Lost Humanity
Humans are endangered , now curses on us shower 
Just like what the Albatross’s blood did to the ancient mariner...
‘Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.’
It was mankind that killed and caged animals, right?
We dared to domesticate birds in a cage!
That's a sin! Enjoying the quarantine?
Seems like the animals are asking, “Hey humans, how is life in the cage?”
The Almighty could have created humans only...
Think- why he painted millions of creatures in the earth's canvas..
The earth looks so beautiful! 
So colourful with every species it contains...
The only life sustaining planet in our solar system.
It's different, it's special, it’s unique!
It's the magnum opus of the supreme artist!
Would the Louvre spare if Mona Lisa was destroyed?
So why do we expect the nature to spare us?
Boast technology, make animals homeless, 
build Burj Khalifas everywhere.
And when an animal enters the fields, feed a cracker stuffed fruit.
This is humanity! The word now sounds like an abuse.
Look what a virus is doing to the powerful humans!
2K19, 2K20, the tragic pandemic years.
It’s actually nothing but an example of Newton's Third Law of Motion.

                      -	Shreeja Roy Are we humans paying for our inhumanity?

Are we humans paying for our inhumanity?


Shreeja Roy


When I close my eyes every night, I wish to have a happy dream,
a dream of rushing to work, hurrying up to the local train.
It's been months at home: sleeping and resting
( all that we longed for in those busy days),
But it isn't much of a life, where exploring is all limited to dreams.
Dear Diary, I have stopped writing to you, 
because I know you are bored of the same eat and sleep routine.

When I close my eyes every night, I fantasize a friends' meet.
 From millions of excuses- " Sorry guys, can't make it today."
to "#hope_to_meet_you_soon" hashtags.
What an evolution we are going through !!!! Isn't it?

When I close my eyes every night,
 I just pray to see more life.
And I pray it for all...
What nightmare this Covid is feeding!!!
Sleepless worried nights, fear of death...
The hypocrite mankind that craved death for little sorrows, also cries now,
for now we know how precious life is...

-	Shreeja Roy Previously we wanted rest, now we are getting it..we wanted to die, now it's easy... yet we are sad... it's a strange irony that Covid crisis is teaching us...

Previously we wanted rest, now we are getting it..we wanted to die, now it's easy... yet we are sad... it's a strange irony that Covid crisis is teaching us... #hope_to_meet_you_soon


Shreeja Roy

You taught us " Yes, middle class children are allowed to dream"
 You made us believe in  " hardwork is the key to success" again...
You have given birth to dreamers...
We dreamers ask you today-

     Why did you stop dreaming?
     Why did you snatch our role model         
      from us?         
      Why did you quit?    Why......?    

                  -Shreeja Roy #SushantSinghRajput We miss you Sir.. wish you had never gone

#SushantSinghRajput We miss you Sir.. wish you had never gone


Shreeja Roy


The door bells rang, the conch blew,
 Echoing in the air, on Janata Curfew.
Blew the conch,as if a battle is declared,
 Come the enemy! To fight we are prepared.
 It's 5:00 in the evening and people at home.
No trains, no buses, quiet and lone roads. 
Sundays are to chill, to party, to shop,
but closed are the markets, the restaurants, the malls.
We are all at home! But why? 
No religious fight, no political issues,yet why?
 It's a virus, a fatal, a mortal one,
that chooses no religion and prefers none.
 A virus indiscriminate of caste and race, 
that isn't chauvinistic to any gender, and touches all with grace.
"This Corona virus is a bio weapon"- there's a claim.
But don't you think,we all humans share some blame?
The pandemic might me the Almighty's lesson,
To convey it's high time our brutalities we lessen.
The virus reminded we are not 'inhumans' but 'humans'.
The virus reminded we are not 'brutals' but 'mortals'.
The virus reminded it's high time to be  united,
 it's time to be responsible, it's time to be vigilant.
Thanks to the virus, that we together rang the bells,
Not as Hindus or Muslims, but united as Indians.

                                      -Shreeja Roy People rang bells together at 5:00pm was so nice to see unity in Indians again...

People rang bells together at 5:00pm was so nice to see unity in Indians again...


Shreeja Roy

 Calling a human 'animal' is considered as a slang or an abuse.... But I request don't call an animal a it will actually be an abuse for the animal....

Calling a human 'animal' is considered as a slang or an abuse.... But I request don't call an animal a it will actually be an abuse for the animal.... #nojotophoto


Shreeja Roy


It is positive! Yes, Yes! It is positive!
I remember how she cried when we got to know that she conceived.
She held my hands, “ Don't go!”, she pleads.
But the next day I took the train and at 11:30 it leaves.
 “I'll come back soon”, I promise, “Just take care.
 I have my duty in Jammu and I have to go there”
 Seven months passed and I haven't gone home.
 “Our baby kicked!”, she told me on phone ,
“ When will you come? I really need you here.”
“ Very soon, just wait a little more , I’ll be there.”
 Two months then, the day comes…
 My brother calls me up, “ Congratulations! It’s a son!” 
“And where is she? Is she alright?
 “She is still on anaesthesia, and she’s absolutely fine.” 
Thank God! My wife and son both are healthy.
I just can't wait. “ I want to see them, Sir, please allow me.”
“ I got the leave! My lady, I am coming.”
“Come soon.”, she cried, “ Your wife and son is waiting.”
It was 14th February,  Valentine’s day, and I was from my house just a day away.
Our vehicle was passing the Pulwama district…
My phone rings, “ Where are you? Suddenly I feel so worried!”
 And then occurs the blast, the ‘Pulwama Attack’ …
And that was the last conversation with my wife I had.
 I was one of those who paid their lives that day, 
Leaving my wife and my son, I passed away.
 Today I am just a soul that couldn't rest in peace.
I want to hold my child once, Oh God please! 
That day I only wanted to see her smile and the baby's cry.
Now I just want to seek an answer from the perpetrators – “ WHY?”
They were innocent. Then why? “WHY?”  Please Say!
You took a child’s father and a woman’s vermillion away…

                                                             - Shreeja Roy 14th February is approaching... Valentine's Day...but for India its Black Day... Thinking of the day, I write this... Tribute to Indian Army...and tribute to the families of our soldiers..

14th February is approaching... Valentine's Day...but for India its Black Day... Thinking of the day, I write this... Tribute to Indian Army...and tribute to the families of our soldiers..


Shreeja Roy


I am in love! yes, I am in love!
Such a happy news, isn't it?
But is it? Is it really something to be happy about ?
Is it something that I can declare shouting aloud?
Yes, it would have been the happiest news, had I lived in a city.
Had I known the ways in which civilized people should be.
But my home is in a Brothel, yes a Brothel,
the place that your Civilization calls a 'hell'.
 I was actually born to a beautiful mother, I was born in a city,
 I had a house, a father, a brother, trust me!
Now I don't even know whether my family is alive or not.
All I remember, is that day, someone with a rope, to my legs, tied a knot.
So that I couldn't move until they bring me here.
And that was the birth of an handicapped me, that should only tolerate, that should only bear...
 From then only men, only men enter my room, also civilised men.
They  touch, they open my clothes, they force again and again.
 I cry, cause it pains, it aches, it bleeds...
For twice meal, thousand satisfactions  and hungers my body feeds.
O God! Am tired now, my hymen is tired of aching,
My heart, my soul, the entire me is gradually and daily breaking.
But now that I am in love, my heart asks for you, only you...
 Just put on the vermillion! that's it, will you?
Rescue me! Shit ! I asked too much, I'm sorry!
 I know it is impossible for your Civilization to accept someone like me.
Just an answer to me, please do serve!
Will I never be allowed to love?

                                         - Shreeja Roy After watching a show that was based on this theme, I write this ...A poem for those women who actually want to love but are caged in a different world where they are not allowed to love...

After watching a show that was based on this theme, I write this ...A poem for those women who actually want to love but are caged in a different world where they are not allowed to love...


Shreeja Roy


Let tears bid a bye, and smile wish you Luck.
A new year , a new decade, still sad? For what !
 Resolve, resolve, coz it's high time to ,
2k20 will be the best, just try, won't you? 
 Take the best jacket , put on the best jeans,
C'mon search for your joy, taste the best cuisine .
Send for a DJ, have the boxes on,
It's  2020,  just bring it on....
 Let no human, nothing, neither a thought,
 have you choked in the same lonesome drought
Let a shining spring reflect the sun on your face,
From a "BETTER ME" to the "BEST ME" , on your mark, begins the race...

     -Shreeja #Life_A_Blank_Page

Shreeja Roy

 to those who are mad for an unhealthy love...but the reality is no one is your oxygen

to those who are mad for an unhealthy love...but the reality is no one is your oxygen #Quote #nojotophoto


Shreeja Roy

 voice of every daughter of India...she isn't afraid of anything else... she's just afraid of getting raped and burned... #sadrealityofindia

voice of every daughter of India...she isn't afraid of anything else... she's just afraid of getting raped and burned... #sadrealityofindia #nojotophoto
