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Tobi Ogunlade

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Tobi Ogunlade

often times
life leaves you with difficult questions
and doesn't care to provide answers.
and as if in concert, nature plays its part;
there's dawn, and there's dusk;
the sun bites, and then it rains cats and dogs;
time tortures, 
and then it heals the wounds it created.

it just doesn't leave you 
with many options,
but to gather yourself together
to breathe,
and to absorb it in. 

sometimes it gets better, 
and sometimes, it doesn't. 
But then, dem oyinbo talk say
"when life gives you lemons, 
you make lemonade out of it"
we move!!!

'Tobi Ogunlade
05:47 6th May


Tobi Ogunlade

You can hear your name called from a distance. 
Then You wake up. 
You look around, 
and see the nurse standing there, 
her voice saying something like
"Doctor, there are lines for reset" 
Oh! You realize you're in the call room, 
and then you run your fingers in your hair 
and sink into the bed again, your eyes shut. 
You say softly, 
"let's not lie and let's not steal, love is a beautiful thing"

"Doctor, I said there are lines for reset"

 Overcoming writer's block

Overcoming writer's block


Tobi Ogunlade

Your phone jingles, and your face lits up,
You read her words, and in your head, 
you hear her voice.
You smile sheepishly, 
with shivers running down your back.
You are now on your way, and as you drive,
you see her face, smiling back.
"What's this?" 
You ask yourself, and then your insides rumble.
"Must be the butterflies" 
you mutter aloud, and hit your foot on the gas.
She was waiting at her doorstep, 
smiling sweetly 
and looking stunning as ever. 
You're literally swept off your feet, 
your heart racing as you approach. 
You take her up in your arms, 
and as you bend your head towards her....
 Overcoming writer's block

Overcoming writer's block


Tobi Ogunlade

8:43pm. His room.
He decided 'twas time to set out
He grabbed his keys and off he went
Expecting to see as usual, 
all things bright and beautiful

9:23pm. Her room.
She looked at the mirror 
for the upteenth time
Daintily dressed, with blood red lips,
If you think she's dressed to kill, 
thumbs up, you're right

11:15pm. Club '89.
Their eyes meet.
"Oh my. Another delectable mugu". He winked.
"Wehdone sir, you fresh yellow-pawpaw mugu". 
She smiled.

1:09am. Running up the stairs
Hand in hand, laughing out loudly
With vain desires, they looked happy
And their hearts knitted in mutual deceit.  Revamp



Tobi Ogunlade

I am a Doctor
Proud to be one indeed
Yea, I could have been a musician or a footballer 
because of course, it offers more dough... 
Everyone can hold a pen, agreed
But one in my hand can save a life, 
and help a distressed friend.
I don't even get to attend to the body only,
I indeed have extra, the SB;BS, 
equipped to care for the Spirit and for the Soul wholly
Every superhero has a unique identity
Mine is my white coat, my stethoscope and also my Bible.
I am a Doctor.


Tobi Ogunlade

There was a time when by the moment I was up, 
you'd have left home.
After which I'd also leave for school.
Then I'd return home, and you'd do same too.

There was also a period, 
when we headed out same time, 
and while I'd return home later, 
you too would come back much later.
The time came when I had to leave home, 
and be away for months, while you stayed home.
And I'd look forward to coming back, 
to meet you at home still.

I came home this one time
But you were not home,
And you're still not here. 
I slept on your bed, in your space,
And no one came to hassle me.

It appears you're never going to come home again, because
"You're now their Daddy"
That's what everyone says now.
I'd hold on to the memories 
When I leave home,
And whenever I come back,
I'd hold on, to your pictures.


 Hey Pops

Hey Pops


Tobi Ogunlade

                                              "...broken crayons still color."
I knew a 'thing'...
A form of breath-ceasing, 
lose-your-head kind of pain.
Tough times literally pressed on my jugulars, 
Sad moments, "e choke"

Most times, I may have looked fine from afar 
But deep down, I was hurting badly, and very far from fine, 
Kubler's theory played out, 
A painful cycle of denial, profuse tears and sighs, 
then acceptance, and then back to...🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
Mental health l'azzident seriously.

One truly becomes No Longer At Ease soon after Things Fall Apart,
Achebe was spot-on. 
Because this 'thing',
It broke my heart, a million pieces,
Left mommy anguished, tearful and lustreless.

It's been a rollercoaster...
Of the painful, the peppery and the very peppery 😁
And even though a myriad of questions remain unanswered, 
"Thanks to God, who keeps everything running smoothly"

                                                                             Tóbilóba, 27. Win!



Tobi Ogunlade


She said to him
It's obvious we are No Longer at Ease
And I'm afraid, soon it'd be Things Fall Apart.

She continued, saying
Our Biology has lost its Chemistry and if we don't take care
Soon, we'd become History.
 Lost things

Lost things


Tobi Ogunlade

Allowing to go the extra mile

Making life worth the while

Doesn't keep a file

Of wrongdoings, of any guile

Harbors no bitter bile

But always there when you hit the dial

Asks no questions, questions no actions

Never selfish, rarely envies 

This life's fuel, Love

When you have it and show it

You have the best.

So friend, love, and be loved. 





Tobi Ogunlade

Another one, this time much deeper.
I roll on my bed, and now my head is wrapped behind my hands,

Both eyes fixed, on the alluring patterns of the ceiling
Again, it came back, yeah, the thoughts
Where had it gone wrong?
Was I jinxed? Was I cursed? Punished?

A deep one, and
I hear myself ask softly "why me?"                                          -Oluwatobi, OOUTH. 9:43pm, 4/11/20.

Yeah, my phone, 
and now letting out another sigh, 
I felt I'd love the distraction from my thoughts, and so
I logged on, navigating from one app to another but...

Yes, I see it, I see the joy light up their faces
Of course, they'd moved on, my peers, 
and oh how I felt left behind, forgotten and damaged
But I guess that's just life, right?

I feel them form, and I feel it anew;
Yes, the heartache, the loneliness and the pain.

I sit up, smirk, and shake my head in hurt.
If you think I'm emotionally out-of-sorts, and mentally battered,
thumbs up, you're right.

 November writing prompt

November writing prompt
