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Richardo Douglas

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Richardo Douglas

It's like...
Being addicted to crack
Looking forward to another heart attack 
Another diehard fight to top
Still plagues my mind alot...
But I digress 
Back to the crack
No not the drug
Although I wish it was that
It's that crack that makes the heart stop
Die for a minute then get up back
Oh the shock!
Once more yearning for that pain I now lack...

Fuckin' idiot!

The mirror mumbled something incoherent 
But he knew I could hear it
The bitterness of his reality was a stifling air
I plugged up my nose and ripped off my ears
She just stares
He laughs menacingly 
Knowing I am now aware
In an out of consciousness
Fighting this mirrored nightmares. Emotional SideFX

Emotional SideFX


Richardo Douglas

Life is filled with rises and falls,
But mostly falls...
Been around the block so much;
I done heard it all!
In this great big hall,
All the voices in my head.
Black hoods chanting to the dead,
Using a feather to move a block of lead!
This plane and it's tricks.
Just when you think you're right side up,
It flips!
Who can I talk to about this? Fluctuation... #life

Fluctuation... life


Richardo Douglas

In every pain there is joy to be felt,
Down times leaves you vulnerable, 
Be careful who you allow to help.
I am always here if you ever need to be helped!

My unborn child;

Just like your father be humble yet strong!
Let proper morals and respect be the shoes in which you stand,
Think for yourself and always have a plan.

Friends are needed but always depend on yourself,
Your own happiness will be your greatest wealth! 

I never intended for the wait to be so long,
That you can always blame on your mom! 
One day you'll better understand,
The right one some time takes forever to come along.

With love,
Your father. Letter to the Womb

Letter to the Womb


Richardo Douglas

My adrenaline is the morphine to fight through this pain,
Dodging shards as I try to dive through this pane!

To be a hero you've got to be a villain these days,
What a daze.

 Trying not to trip over my cape,
No rescue should I fall so far out on this cape,

Trying to do the seemingly impossible...

Closed eyes in order to see,
The ocean is just another name for the sea!
 How do you decipher life? #rebelance #yqbaba #superpower

How do you decipher life? #rebelance #yqbaba #superpower


Richardo Douglas

Painful lucid dreams,

You forgot what I remembered...

Trying to forget,

I remember...

Who are you again?
 Sleep and The Sane, that is the name.

Sleep and The Sane, that is the name.


Richardo Douglas

You don't know the PAST 
Yet you want to sympathize with the PRESENT
Only because you are oblivious to the FUTURE  Learn life before you try to speak to life... #rebelance #wakeupcall #yqbaba

Learn life before you try to speak to life... #rebelance #WakeUpCall #yqbaba


Richardo Douglas

Groupe cock and balls while staring deep into my eyes.
No fucks given for the other eyes,
Not when your juices slowly makes it way to your thighs...

No pride,
No drawz!

Rough me up a bit before your kiss on my lips,
C'mon you got this,
Fling your head back and clutch my face to your tits.

You like that...

Feeling on your naked ass under that little dress,
You grab my hands and you know I don't have to guess...
You wanna exercise your neck?

Hold up.
My phone beeped.

Can we continue this next week? Black Superhero Hottt Dawg!!!

Black Superhero Hottt Dawg!!!


Richardo Douglas

We're trying to hold on,
Even though it's going sour.
Still trying to convince ourselves,
The future hours is ours...

Together forever was a lie told to us as kids!
So who do we kid?
It's even obvious in the way that we live,
Things unforgettable even after we've agreed to forgive.

Still barely holding on,
Believing in lies,
Hoping it'll keep us as one.
The two of us;
Held by a few mere connecting strands.
We've survived the losses of the winds but can we survive this storm? Reigniting the Sun. Faith, hope and patience are the nails holding the ship together. #surviving #love #rebelance

Reigniting the Sun. Faith, hope and patience are the nails holding the ship together. #Surviving love #rebelance


Richardo Douglas

The shadows was her cloak.
Shrouded in mystery,
I had no idea what she was about.
Honey and lies poured from her mouth;
Sweet sins calling me out.

Without a doubt I slept with the devil.
My enchantment tree gave her some magical wood;
Fucked her good.

She bought me wings to fly to the heavens,
Lingering on the hopes of being there with me,
Reminiscing on that day I changed her sixes to sevens.
The chronicle of me and my demon chilling in heaven... In love with a Devil #rebelance #sweet #horror #love

In love with a Devil #rebelance #sweet horror love


Richardo Douglas

I treat you like a bitch and you still pour your soul at my feet...
Days of being absent,
Nights of being discrete.

A dawg;
Walking you on a leash.

Text me how much of a heartbreak I can be.
Laying in bed naked;
Waiting on me.

Tears and a wet pussy soaking the sheets,
Juices seeping until you fall asleep.

Same thing last year this time...
Another black valentines? Black Valentine pt1

Black Valentine pt1
