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Dr. Ernest Salami

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Dr. Ernest Salami


How clean is your vessel?
For the Master wishes to dine with it.
He desires to elate Himself using you as His cutlery.
Wash your plate oh dear Believer...
Make it fit for the Master's use. 

Serve unto Him worship, 
allow Him to dine on your praise.
Let your prayers go unto Him as an aroma of sophisticated delicacy.
Never you condone the abomination of rancid smell rising unto Him.
Is your vessel gold, or silver, or wood, or clay?
It matters less to our LORD,
all that He desires is its purity. 

Is your vessel pure?
Or do you still drink the waters of sin?
Flee! Or it stains your vessel from within.
Do you still swim in the rivers of iniquity?
Get off! Or you darken your vessel for all to see. 

Would you allow God to have His way?
Are you willing to grant Him His desires?
Would you permit Him to dine on the food from your plate?
Or does He have to find someone else?


Dr. Ernest Salami


Let it not be said, 
that I never found your brightness.
Let words never emerge, 
that flames so close, yet I dwelt in darkness.
Let me not feel life as a fatal blow,
cos this world without you would be a walk alone. 

Let it not be heard,
that from me your virtue was obscured.
Let voices never emerge,
that healing so close, yet I got no cure.
Let me not feel life alone,
cos this world without you would be a deadly inferno. 

Let it only be heard,
that my heart screamed cos it burned.
Let voices forever emerge,
that you are the fire that makes my soul pure.
Let me not feel life outside your abode,
cos your love is what warms away my cold.

You are my light,
the dark, you always outshine.
You are my health,
the pains, you take to the mode of stealth.
You are my fire,
the world, freezing and brutal, never has to make me cry.
Lord Jesus, you are my quiet place,
within the confusion, you grant me solace.


Dr. Ernest Salami


Diamonds sparkle and reflect light. 
But, you my queen as a diamond,
Is one of a greater order...
You are light itself, then, you are sound.

God has so predestined
That when the love in our hearts collide,
The magnitude of light that emerges,
Will blot out darkness from our destinies.

And the big sound that results,
Will be a sweet melody without end...
I love you, PeeJay!
Peaceful Jailer of my heart ❤


Dr. Ernest Salami


Road, rugged and narrow,
almost never pleasurable to follow,
requires that your name be denied,
and your flesh crucified;
For the Master to be glorified...

Here, sin you must not condone,
atmes you may have to thread alone,
your vessel you'd have to purify,
and abandon all strife;
For the Master to be glorified...

It is a seed to sow
for the Life of God within to grow.
Your ambitions must die,
your will must be starved of life;
For the Master to be glorified...

His Strength you'd need to travel 
on stony ground that may bruise your sole.
But, Jesus is solidly behind
you in this eternal life's fight;
For He alone, must be glorified...


Dr. Ernest Salami

D e e p   L  O  N  G  I  N  G  S

Lure me into You...
Like a wild animal into Your "trap"
Tame my flesh oh Lord!
I never want to go free;
Slave to Thee is better than freedom in the world. 

Lure me into You...
I have no path of my own,
Than to thread where fowls do not dare.
Whether it be full of thorns,
I long to be led into the chambers of Your presence 

Lure me into You...
The way a lover will do...
Whether sweet or bitter,
Subject me to the dealings of the Cross
That I may be found worthy to dwell in Your sweet embrace. 

Lure me into You...
That I may fulfill my days
What is man without You?
What a wasted life that would be,
A life secluded from You and lived for the vanities of this world. 

Lure me into You...
This process may be tasking,
There may be thistles to prick.
But a fulfilling life it will be,
A life lived to the glory of the great and mighty King


Dr. Ernest Salami

LIFE & DEATH (cont'd)

We Live,
Not the way the world teaches.
We are servants to the God that rules in loving terror,
And with might doth He direct the affairs of the earth
We are free to serve His righteous Kingship,
Subjecting our will to the Rule of the Holy One. 

We Live,
When we leave
The cares of this world behind,
And care more on the interests of the Master.
Our meat is to be eaten up by fiery passion,
Consumed on the Altar of the Rule of the Holy One. 

We Die,
Only then do we truly live.
We die daily, forsaking the world.
Only then can we truly profess
Undying devotion to the Domain of our King,


Dr. Ernest Salami


We Live,
Only because Jesus died
Blotting out the ordinances
Screaming against us in high voices
Voices that cut us from the Rule of the Holy One 

We Live,
Only by His flesh crucified
And His Blood poured out
We are no longer to be sin's slaves
Never again to be fleshy or seen in darkness
Our light is in the Rule of the Holy One 

We Live,
Joyous continually,
The circumstances don't matter!
We leap on consecutive feet,
Like a lamb at the feet of his Shepherd.
Careful to joy only in the Rule of the Holy One.


Dr. Ernest Salami


Arise oh Compatriots!
Nigeria's wellbeing we seek.
For how long shall our Leaders steal
from the treasury box meant for our upkeep?
Is being a Nigerian synonymous with corruption?
Fellow Compatriots!
This Nation's peace we plead.
How long shall terrorists
slander and slay her peaceful citizens?
Is being a Nigerian synonymous with death? 

Arise oh Compatriots!
Nigeria's more than sixty.
Getting better has become treason,
backwardness is now the new jinx.
Is being a Nigerian synonymous with retrogression?
Fellow Compatriots!
This Nation's Naira is degrading,
becoming as useless as paper pieces.
Static are the labourers wages,
skyrocketing are the prices of commodities.
Is being a Nigerian synonymous with hardship?

Arise oh Compatriots!
Nigeria's past heroes gnash their teeth,
rolling in their graves as they behold these gruesome calamities.
Fellow Compatriots! 
Shouldn't we return to the sweet times before 1960?
The tasty Independence we once craved for 
has become sour in our oral cavities.
We are an independent nation
yet, are we slaves within our own freedom,
Slaves to our own purpoted saviours.
Who did we offend? How grievous, to be so worse? #1960 #independencenigeria

Dr. Ernest Salami

"Hey Nigeria...!"
The shameless leaders whisper to her.
"Can't you see? you have become 'big.'"
This they deceitfully mutter,
all in an attempt to perfume-spray their rotten egos,
while her nutrients they continually embezzle.
With her bloated belly of kwashiorkor,
and her limbs swollen from heart failure,
Nigeria has indeed, become 'big.'
But, how many steps can a sick Nation take?
How much progress will she make? 

"Hey Nigeria...!"
I can't help but blurt out.
"My Nigeria...
How did you get here?
Now, how do we leave here?" #Nigeria

Dr. Ernest Salami

H E Y   N I G E R I A ! 

"Hey Nigeria...!"
Country 'A' shouted at her.
"Don't come near me! You stink.
So full of sins! You're a thief.
You harbour within you dirt bins,
waste products are those you call apical citizens" 

"Hey Nigeria...!"
Another Country glanced angrily at her.
"Don't infect me! You're sick.
Like diarrhoeal stools, your best human tools
are spluttered around the globe;
all in search for greener pastures.
Those meant to be your honest patriots
have now been labelled as miscreants.
A once healthy giant has become a fallen Goliath!" 

"Hey Nigeria...!"
She says sorrowfully to herself.
"Who did this to me?
My special organs overfeed and grow themselves fat
while I'm left to fall apart...
I've been blessed with rich overflowing blood,
on which only the high & mighty subjects get drunk." #Nigeria