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Ankita Mishra

Just a 17 year old struggler!

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Ankita Mishra


Ankita Mishra

Dear december,
as we are almost near your end;and with you ,you will also take away the last year of this decade. 
so nothing I just wanted to say a goodbye.
I am sure I'm not the only one who has a bit of nostalgia right now.
I don't wanna let my happy & carefree childhood days go but I'm also sick of the early teenage years of life which you threw at me. And all that i witnessed was anger, frustration & sadness along with a hell lot of confusion.
I'm glad you're taking that away but I'm also not sure what the next decade has in store for me
But nevertheless
It was great meeting you!
and now Bye please leave ASAP!!! #deardecember
#lastmonthoftheyear #lastyearofthedecade

Ankita Mishra

Have you met my feminism?


Ankita Mishra

Bold but not a bully
Humble but not apologetic
confident but not conceited
proud but not arrogant
Tender but not weak
Strong but not rude
Firm but not stubborn
Cool but not cold
Content but not complacent
Detached but not indifferent
Wise but not otherwise


Ankita Mishra

Accept it or not
at some points in our lives we all have tried to climb mountains and swim oceans for people
who wouldn't do a single thing for us in return.
we all expected loyalty out of a wrong person and ofcourse we all made wrong choices.
And we all are so exhausted,  so tired and so done.
we don't even realize that the kid insode all of us is no longer there
That soul is murdered by us and all of our wrong choices.


Ankita Mishra

So many people in love but not together 
ever wondered why?
beacuse we as humans are so scared of opening up; so afraid of being vulnerable
Not saying the truth, not accepting it seems so easy right, the best escape probably?
But do we even realize that in the long run of life this is the biggest cause of all broken hearts
The ones that have lost the ability to love.
And my question is why are we so afraid? whom are we so afraid of?
we have formed a sort of  barrier inside our heads which keeps fooling us that  won't be accepted if we told the truth. 
Not realizing that both the individuals feel the same internally but keep on misreading each other's emotions beacuse of the fact that you never had the guts to open up.


Ankita Mishra

I found a piece of me in you. you held it so carefully to yourself, it never bothered taking it from you. But I am terrified not of you, but of time.
I remeber what has passed by and I don't want to keep a count of what is yet to come. And all I know right now is,this feeling-The one I cannot put a finger on it,but i feel it, something akin to love.
And I'm still holding it, in my hands , closer to my heart.
for this is my salvation.
I don't want to irk you, so you can stay with it or go with it
but nonetheless I will keep this part of love with me.


Ankita Mishra

listen to me 
love dosent leave you traumatized
what was happening to you 
wasn't love.


Ankita Mishra

lets watch the stars at night
get drunk 
and tell each other
everything we are afraid to say♡

Ankita Mishra

Some people awaken a love so deep within you that no amount of time can never ease your soul #idontremeberthecount