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Ganesh Rajj

poet writer

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Ganesh Rajj

In your eyes I see the stars,
And in your touch, the softest scars,
My heart beats to your rhythm true,
As if it knows no other hue.

Your smile, a beacon in the night,
Your voice, a melody in flight,
In your arms I find my home,
And with your love, I'll never roam

©Ganesh Rajj

Ganesh Rajj

Joy and sorrow, they come and go,
Like the tides that ebb and flow.
Love and hate, they dance and sway,
Like the winds that guide our way.

Hope and fear, they rise and fall,
Like the sun that lights us all.
Peace and chaos, they interlace,
Like the cycles of time and space.

Emotions, they shape who we are,
A kaleidoscope of light and dark.
May we embrace them all with grace,
And let them guide us on our race.

©Ganesh Rajj
  #amirkhan #shaadi

Ganesh Rajj

दोस्ती एक ऐसी खुशबू है,
जो साथ जिंदगी भर नहीं जाती है।
जिसके साथ हंसते हंसते रोते भी हैं,
वही दोस्त हमारा सबसे खास होता है।

दोस्ती में होती है अनबन,
पर फिर भी उसमे हमारा सुखद जीवन होता है।
जो दोस्त हमारे जीवन में आते हैं,
उन्हें भूल पाना हमारे लिए असंभव होता है।

दोस्तों के साथ गुजरी हर पल यादगार होता है,
दोस्तों के साथ बिताया हर वो लम्हा अमर होता है।
जीवन का सारा सुख मिलता है उन दोस्तों से,
जो साथ हमारे जीवन के सफर में होते हैं।

©Ganesh Rajj
  #JallianwalaBagh #Fr #friendship #fog #M friend ship quotes in Hindi

#JallianwalaBagh #Fr #Friendship #fog #M friend ship quotes in Hindi


Ganesh Rajj

In the depths of my heart,
A love burns bright like art,
With each beat, it grows strong,
A melody, a soulful song.

Your touch ignites a fire,
A passion I can't retire,
Together we dance in perfect rhyme,
Lost in love, lost in time.

With you, my heart finds its home,
Forevermore, we'll never roam.

©Ganesh Rajj
  #Sa #Ha #Haa #each #Ja #Ma #Ta #Trading #Traditional_Arts  #poem

Ganesh Rajj

In the halls of MSD,
Where tragedy struck with great speed,
We remember the lives that were lost,
And the pain that came at a great cost.

But in the midst of sorrow and grief,
We find hope and strength, beyond belief.
For the love and unity we have found,
Will forever be a powerful sound.

And though the scars may never fade,
We honor those we've lost and the lives they've made.

©Ganesh Rajj
  #IPL #retro msd dhoni #Ma #moansandmoons #Ha #Haa #i #Trading #Trading #treding

Ganesh Rajj

Years went by and Samantha eventually found love again, this time with someone who shared her passions and dreams. She had almost forgotten about Jake, until she received a wedding invitation in the mail. He was getting married to his long-time girlfriend and Samantha felt a pang of sadness and regret. She knew that it was too late for them, but she couldn't help but wonder what could have been. She attended the wedding, watching Jake from afar, feeling both happy for him and heartbroken at the same time. She realized that sometimes, even when you love someone deeply, it doesn't always work out in the end. But life goes on, and new love and happiness can be found in unexpected ways.

©Ganesh Rajj
  #ddlj love faliure story part 3 end

#ddlj love faliure story part 3 end #suspense


Ganesh Rajj

After the breakup, Samantha decided to throw herself into her work. She started her own fashion design business and was quickly gaining success. She thought she had moved on from Jake, but then she saw him with his new girlfriend at a party. It brought back all the old feelings and she realized that she still loved him. She tried to reach out, but he didn't respond. She was devastated, realizing that she had lost him forever

©Ganesh Rajj
  #retro love faliure story part 2

#retro love faliure story part 2 #suspense


Ganesh Rajj

Samantha and Jake had been friends since high school, but as they grew older, their feelings for each other began to change. They started dating in college and things were going well for a while, but soon they realized that their dreams for the future were not compatible. Samantha wanted to travel the world and pursue her career in fashion design, while Jake wanted to settle down and start a family. They tried to compromise, but ultimately they realized that their goals were too different to make it work. They broke up, both heartbroken and lost.

©Ganesh Rajj
  #You&Me love faliure story part 1

#you&Me love faliure story part 1 #suspense


Ganesh Rajj

Attitude is a mighty force,
It shapes our lives with great discourse,
With positivity, we can thrive,
But negativity can make us strive.

Our thoughts become our reality,
Our mindset shapes our personality,
So choose your attitude with care,
And watch your life beyond compare.

For in the end, it's not what we do,
But how we think that sees us through

©Ganesh Rajj
  #Remember attitude poet

#Remember attitude poet #suspense


Ganesh Rajj

Love is a flame that burns so bright,
It warms the heart on coldest night.
It gives us strength to face each day,
And shows us all a better way.

It's more than words or simple deeds,
It's what we feel and what we need.
It's what makes life worth living for,
A love so deep, forevermore.

©Ganesh Rajj