I'm not a writer, but 🔹️I write to express my thoughts, my feelings. 🔹️I write to ease my pain. About me:- ✴Saw the world on 24th April🎂 ✴Student📖 ✴Single🤴 ✴Loves writing📝 ✴I write, what i observe👀i ✴My pen speaks about my feelings✨ ✴ Instagram: @i_m_d.h.r.u.v📱 ✴Music lover🎶 ✴A simple living guy👦
Dhruv Poddar
Dhruv Poddar
Dhruv Poddar
Dhruv Poddar
Dhruv Poddar
Dhruv Poddar
Dhruv Poddar
Dhruv Poddar
Dhruv Poddar
Dhruv Poddar