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Aritra Kundu

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Aritra Kundu

Sometimes you are pushed in a zone,
Where you don't want to leave,
But you also have to stand up for things, Which were wrongly pulled up,
And in that process you might hurt people,
Loosing the simple essence of serenity ,
For that to happen you need to keep an understanding,
Untill then bonds will never get stronger,
And you will keep on struggling with the hassles,
Rather stay calm and be kind,
And thing before what you say,
Than justifying and regretting later. 

Aritra Kundu

Life is a journey of Ups and Downs,
Most ups keep you happy and contended,
But downs takes you to lows,
Where it hits you hard,
It just adds up to agonise your mind,
And then nothing just feels right,
Every bit of positivity you try to engulf in,
Somewhere turns into an irrational overthinking,
After which you don't feel like doing anything,
Even a small step takej to move ahead,
Makes you feel anxious what if,
It adds to more problems,
Ending up to be more clueless,
Yes everyone have their own bits,
Only they themselves can understand their ordeals,
Rest who don't will just try to throw them off,
Or see it as an excuse of avoidance,
Whatever it may be at the end of the day, 
You are left with it to trash it off,
Stay calm and deal with it,
Nobody can understand you better, 
Than you yourself ,
Stand up for yourself and don't take anyones' taunt,
Stay upbeat and kind to your soul!!    #quote106

Aritra Kundu

Pain is an unpleasant feeling,
That can come in any form to you,
You will never like it's existence,
And that at times take you to your low,
Where you feel helpless for your own self,
May be that's how it is the pain,
Slowly and steadily it takes over your well-being,
You don't feel good with anything,
And a sense of sadness comes in,
May be it's a matter of time,
Or may be it's going to be a part of your life,
Not everyone will understand this part of agony,
or may be some will but at the end,
You are just limited to yourself,
Try to hold yourself and stay strong
So that things get better, 
And you start feeling good for yourself!! 


Aritra Kundu

Test of Times
Time has its own way of testing you,
A bad time tests your character,
And the inner patience you have for long run,
Before you decide to give up,
But remember always after every sunset,
The darkness awaits a bright sun rise,
To outshine all possible miseries,
So this too shall pass ,
A good timeline just awaits for you,
Till then stay there firmly!! #quote104

Aritra Kundu

Test Of Soul
Sometimes you are thrown into situations,
Where things are not going in your favour,
You are tired of these battles,
Ending up losing your inner self and peace,
But then the power of patience and perseverance,
Gets you going towards you goals and ambitions,
Not allowing you to succumb to the obstacles,
Because not everything is going to stay same forever,
Rather it' is just a phase stick there,
Show up your character and win over
Whatever you willfully wanted to achieve!! #quote103

Aritra Kundu

Looking Forward
Sometimes you are involved in a lot of things,
You believed that you can overcome them all,
In return got jumbled up and all confused,
Tired with many incoming thoughts,
Stuck in the line and not moving forward,
You decide to stop and take a break,
Yes the world did not stop,
Which was pretty much fine,
In the end you did not give up, 
Started again afresh the next day,
Had you given up then the tomorrow
Might not had looked the same!!

Aritra Kundu

Sometimes you meet certain person;
Who actually don't need anything in return,
No hidden intension what so ever,
They just come in and calm us down,
And make us at peace and smile,
When it is needed the most,
Their touch gives us a sheer comfort,
Not every touch can make you feel that way,
They come in to heal you, lessen your pain;
Their presence just brightens the day,
And slowly they became a part of us,
Gently soothing our heart and soul,
These naive beings always took away the gloominess,
And brought in a better steadiness to the surrounding,
That's how you got opened up with them,
When you just couldn't do with others,
May be that's why they were different from others,
Whom you never met before
And vibed in the way,  you do now!!

Aritra Kundu

Comforting Cushion
Sometimes we just feel out of mind,
We have a lot to speak and share, 
But we fear what if we get judged; 
What if we are left alone again,
On knowing about certain things that happened,
That we have kept locked in our hearts,
And deal with it all alone,
Yes we fear to get judged about,
And may be left out all alone,
But sometimes we find some happy soul,
With whom we can share everything in and out,
And after that we feel lightest,
Some people are just comfort cushion,
You don't have to think again and again 
To pour your heart out,
They just put you at ease,
And that's why in this world full,
Of people judging your acts, 
You need someone who says; 
It's ok chuck it move on,
You have better things coming your way;
So stay cheerful if you have someone, 
Like them in your life!! 
Comforting cushion

Quote100 Comforting cushion


Aritra Kundu

Sometimes presence of few people in life,
Brings a difference to living,
You feel happy because they feel real,
Not making things up and always willing to stay,
Understanding every emotions without asking much,
And surprising their way out to make you feel special,
You don't get such soul everyday,
Holding their hands to hugging them,
Always gives a feeling of home,
A sense of comfort and calmness,
Keep them close to you,
Because kindness always keeps things Together without any motive involved!! #quote99
Mending relationship

#quote99 Kindness Mending relationship


Aritra Kundu

It's just the day that you don't feel right,
Even though everything seemed fine,
You feel heavy from inside but you cannot pour it out,
You lie down and just look at the ceiling,
Cluelessly staring without knowing what to do,
How can you put these thoughts out,
The more you think the more it gets cloudy,
Everything seems dull and gloomy,
Then you feel anxiety muming in,
And you can just hear your palpitations,
Thoughts just don't make any sense anymore,
Having no clue sometimes you just close eyes,
Take a deep breathe and sit in the nature outside,
If that brings the calmness inside,
Thanks to the people existing,
Who can understand the mood,
And stay there quitely to make you feel better,
Yes things get tough and you can't always stay tougher,
Sometimes it's ok to feel awful and cry out,
You break and then stand to face the new day again!!