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Sneh S

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Sneh S

Sometimes the decision maker gets blamed.....

But a decision making (especially the tough ones) is an enabler. It sets the course clear for the decision maker and for the ones related to it. It offers clarity than waking up everyday with uncertainty or feeling directionless.


Sneh S

बहुतेक गोड बोलणं आजकाल महाग झालंय, 
त्या मानानं तीळ- गूळ बरेच स्वस्त आहे. 😊

तीळ - गुळातला गोडवा आपल्यात येऊ द्या.
तीळ - गूळ घ्या आणि गोड - गोड बोला! 

मकर संक्रांतीच्या शुभेच्छा! 
Happy Makar Sankranti


Sneh S

Get off the giant wheel - 

Yes, a giant wheel that's revolving with time but isn't taking you anywhere. In those compartments of racing against each other where someone will always be above and below you won't make anyone a winner. Instead, get off. 

Get the spotlight on self, you are more than what the world tells you. Once you are on the journey of self discovery you'll find more treasures.  

Remember, you are wonderful, but still can be kinder and less judgemental, more human and less machine. Taste every flavour of what you eat and understand what you feel. Most of all 'slow down' to witness the life that happens around you... and within you! 

Have a well-paced and lively 2022! New year

New year


Sneh S

The one who wants to cover his downside will proctively go out and sell his version of the story to others... Well, a few may be fool to believe but the entire world isn't.


Sneh S

When your core is authentic, you don't feel the need to go out and justify yourself to the just don't feel the need.


Sneh S

No matter how considerate you are about some people, they are efficient in proving they don't deserve that consideration.


Sneh S

The life I have lived so far - I know each nook and corner, twists and turns, victories and struggles, emotions and experiences of it... I have lived through every bit of it. 
Oh, are you the one dying to comment and give your judgements on what you don't even know fully?  HOLD ON. Unlock your phone, Google nearest garbage dump, get some life. 😎


Sneh S

Such a hypocrisy it is... people who stay in relationships only to reap benefits and comfort for themselves suddenly start talking of the ethics, nurturing partnership and companionship when they see the comfort going away.


Sneh S

Minds that are trapped in superstitions, and sick thinking should save themselves from their own negativity and talking shit about people. 

P.S. - These kinds deserve to be murdered but I choose to forgive them.. not for them but bcoz I have standards. 😉


Sneh S

We are all narrow-minded 
with our pre-conditioned minds.
