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Aien. Jmr

A girl with pen

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Aien. Jmr

Yesternight as I pass on the street 
The pretty moon met my eyes 
As I gazed admiringly at its beauty 
I was reminded of him
Of his beautiful heart 
That always watches over me 
Always loving and full of light
Yet so far away.

                             Aien. Jmr

©Aien. Jmr

Aien. Jmr

I love you with my whole heart 
And I promise our ways will never part 
Right next to you is where I will be 
As long as you don't give up on me. 

Every piece of me will embrace your heart 
And make sure it doesn't fall apart 
Even though it gets a lil rough on the way
I will love you more and more each day

I love you

©Aien. Jmr #sunflower

Aien. Jmr

Protect you.

I will protect you from every pain
And let sorrows vanish and joy remain
I will be with you through the bitter storm 
Make your life brighter and keep you warm.

Shielded by love I will protect your heart
Keep it safe and secure and never apart 
Let me protect you from the dreadful day and night
And replace them with  peace and delight 

I will fight every battle day and night 
Because I believe you are worth the fight 
You are truly a masterpiece of the universe
And I want to give the best that you deserve. 
                                                  Aien. jr

©Aien. Jmr #Love

Aien. Jmr

Will you? 
I want you in my life in every way 
Even in my darkest days will you stay? 
 My heart loves you beyond measure 
This love will you forever treasure? 

You are my home and I offer you the whole of me
So will you be true and not abandon me?
During rainy and stormy weather 
Will you  promise to survive the storm together? 

Without you my heart will not survive and bear 
because you are one precious jewel that I really care 
Even the bitter storm will do you no harm
I will be your home to keep you safe and warm 

I love you truely and will never let sorrows overflow your cup
 So will you do the same and never give up? 

                                  Aien. Jr #NightPath

Aien. Jmr

One Hope
My life seem to be slowly tearing apart
Wish I could give life a new start
Where I can make everything go right
And make it a little easy and bright. 

I have no strength to carry on
But I believe my sorrows will soon be gone
Because there is one Hope I cling to 
My lifeguard whom I look up to

Even when everything around me crumble
I will keep my Faith high and never stumble 
Even when everyone mock at my state 
I will never give up and wait 

One day this too shall pass 
And I will be a shining lass. 

                            Aien. Jr #InspireThroughWriting

Aien. Jmr

Her friend : "Why did you let him go there when you never wanted him to?''
She : " Because I knew he would be upset if I did not let him go . His happiness is all that matters even though it tears me apart." #Hansti_aankhon_mei_aansu

Aien. Jmr

little does he know

He promised  to listen to her
He promised  never to repeat the same mistakes
Yet he could not keep them and her heart breaks 
Little does he know that her heart is fragile 

He says that she always get mad unnecessarily
and that there is nothing left to talk with her 
Little does he know that every little actions of him affects her
Little does he know that she is always afriad of losing him

Little does he know she loves him desperately.
Little does he know she would fight the world for him.

                                                 Aien jr. #twilight

Aien. Jmr

It was a cold winter night when we first met 
A fateful night I can never forget 
Your mellifluous voice and your charming smiles
To get a glimpse of those I would walk for miles
You are like a spell that I fell under 
Are you magic? I wonder. 

You have a heart warm and pure
And with you I feel safe and secure 
You are the one who sets my soul on fire 
and the only one my heart  desire 
What is this power I am under?
Are you magic? I wonder.

                      Aien.Jr #Beauty

Aien. Jmr

Hold my hand 

Babe I know life has been rough lately
Our hearts been shattered completely 
Yet it is just a trial from the celestials above 
To test how deep and strong is our love.

I know you are really scared 
So just hold my hand and lets be prepared
We will get through this dark phase together 
And overcome all the stormy weather.

I know we sometimes fail to understand each other 
But you see ? at the end our love still brings us together
So when sorrows and pain arrive 
Just hold my hand and we will survive.

Remember it is 'Us' against the proplem 
and not you and I against each other . 
I love you .



Aien. Jmr

"Why  him?" they asked.

"Because he can put up with my stupid mood swings  and never complains  .Because he loved me first when I couldn't even love myself .Because he never give up on me during my darkest days. I love him."  She replied .


                                                                Aien.Jr #shootingstars