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Storm Enchantra

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Storm Enchantra

Goodness & Thanks
Through chaos & hate
Good still prevails
Unexpected acts kindness revealed 
A new chapter in my life has begun
You're each to blame
Showing me all isn't lost
No matter how difficult
Nor the pain endured
New friends I treasure
Memories to cherish
A life long dream, unexpectedly started with love & hope
I'll get there
Thankful & grateful
Good & kindness prevail
Hate isn't the way
A world in crisis, Join together in unity
To give thanks isn't wrong 
It shows courage & grace

Together problems can be solved
No matter what others say
Thanks should be given every day
 #goodness #kindness #life #thanks

Storm Enchantra

True Meaning of Thanksgiving
Although some see it as a controversy

I see love all around
One day put aside
To be thankful for all you have been given
It's not easy to live a good life
To be the person you want to be
You got to try regardless
Say hey world I'm not perfect
This is me
There should be thanks every day
For gifts in life both big and small
The dear friends made
Contemplating life
Honoring those who have passed away
Holding them in our memories to stay
The acts of kindness received
Unexpected treasures along the way
Giving us the chance to live our best life
Be thankful for all
Even hardness you may endure

The world is in chaos
Count your blessings
Try to live each moment
No regrets day after day
Spread kindness and love
Be grateful for what you have
Not what you haven't found yet bring joy to others in your own way be grateful for friends and family  #thanksgiving

Storm Enchantra

If I were to rewrite my history
There's alot that could be easier
Pain to not endure
Struggles to never deal with
Yet it would replace
Love truly worth having
Strength to face battles ahead
Bravery to always endure
I wouldn't rewrite my history
I'd lose too many qualities
Morals and values
So many lack these days
I'd not know the happiness I have
Or the treasure that good times
Simplify are
If you don't appreciate the past
You can't prepare for the future
Then you have no strength to live in the moment 
Rather you would cower
It's my story and no one else's Time to ask yourself #whatif. Use your imagination and collab. #rewritemylifestory #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with YourQuote Baba

Time to ask yourself #WhatIf. Use your imagination and collab. #rewritemylifestory #YourQuoteAndMine Collaborating with YourQuote Baba


Storm Enchantra

Heavenly Uncle Charlie 
You went home today
At peace with family
Our hearts a mixture
Sad & happy
You're with Aunt Kay today
Those of us left behind
Miss the guidance and wisdom
You share or hijinks to make us laugh
To talk or just catch up each day

You supported me when we lost
Uncle J Uncle Steve and Scott
Hug them all from us

I stand behind the words
I once told you
Aunts are Role Models to follow 
Uncles are Heroes to guide
Usually more figuratively
Like everything you were literally

You're loved & missed so much
Touched more lives than you'll ever know
Enjoy Heaven until we reunite
We love you all so Miss you already 😢

Miss you already 😢


Storm Enchantra

The stood back to back
Trapped in a supernatural storm
Awaiting, unknown fight to the death
 Participate in the #rapidfire and come up with a #16wordhorrorstory

My favourite entries posted before 10 pm IST will be highlighted tomorrow. #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with YourQuote Baba

Participate in the #rapidfire and come up with a #16wordhorrorstory My favourite entries posted before 10 pm IST will be highlighted tomorrow. #YourQuoteAndMine Collaborating with YourQuote Baba


Storm Enchantra

Online friendships are like a breath of fresh air
Exploring and learning of different locations, customs, and holidays
Chatting about any and everything, if you dare
Sharing common interests, unite
People from around the world
Day and night
For true friendships are rare
Just because you are far away
Doesn't make a difference in many ways
Your frirndship is there
Like any other
To nurture and care
If you do they'll always be there

Love ya'll my friends & blessed to have you  Welcome to the day 25 of #YoSimWriMo or the YourQuote Simile Writing Month i.e. October.

Today, collab and talk about online friendship. #onelinefriendshipsarelike #simile #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with YourQuote Baba

Welcome to the day 25 of #YoSimWriMo or the YourQuote Simile Writing Month i.e. October. Today, collab and talk about online friendship. #onelinefriendshipsarelike #simile #YourQuoteAndMine Collaborating with YourQuote Baba


Storm Enchantra

Pretending to be friends with someone that I don't like is 
A thought of sheer torture
For I'd be committing betrayal
Of my own beliefs and self
My values and morals 
An unjust betrayal to another
Is unfathomable
Especially to one like me
I value
Being brave and in honesty
If people don't click
There's no need to force chemistry
No common interests or goals
You're creating torture
For another
As well as your own soul

 Welcome to the day 22 of #YoSimWriMo or the YourQuote Simile Writing Month i.e. October.

Time to collab and complete this #simile challenge. #friendswithsomeone #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with YourQuote Baba

Welcome to the day 22 of #YoSimWriMo or the YourQuote Simile Writing Month i.e. October. Time to collab and complete this #simile challenge. #friendswithsomeone #YourQuoteAndMine Collaborating with YourQuote Baba


Storm Enchantra

A love letter to
My favorite Final Girl Laurie Strode
My favorite villain Michael Myers

Before I watch the movie I wanted to share my thanks.  With tears in my eyes afraid this will be the last one. Thank you for a childhood til full adult of chills and screams. The iconic acting of the casts and crew of all of Halloween.  My favorite movie series of all time,I really hope this isn't the final end. If it is you should know you've huge impact on my life. Teaching me to embrace strength, fear, and power. You've done that for all fans old and new! So just a letter to say we love you, Halloween!
 Thank you to the cast of #halloween

Thank you to the cast of #halloween


Storm Enchantra

Unexpected joy at simple things
 Hello Resties ❤️ 

Collab on this beautiful post and add your thoughts to it.

Highlight and share this post with others so that they don't miss it. 💫

Don't forget to checkout our pinned post. 🥳

Hello Resties ❤️ Collab on this beautiful post and add your thoughts to it. Highlight and share this post with others so that they don't miss it. 💫 Don't forget to checkout our pinned post. 🥳 #yqbaba #YourQuoteAndMine #yqrestzone #collabwithrestzone #yqrz #rzchildhoodin5words


Storm Enchantra

This started as a small gathering
Among a handful of close friends
From an app, around the world to chat
We've since grew
I know alot are shy
You're here for a reason
Speak up, speak your mind
Authors tell us about yourself & work
Readers latest & recommended reads
Discuss the reading & writing apps
We're all on a reading journey
Let's get together
To know one another
Let this group
Spring anew
With friendship brewing
Brand new
Welcome my friends old & new For friends on the reading journey

For friends on the reading journey
