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Aashish Vashistha

जिंदगी की हकीकत से वाकिफ हूं मैं, इसलिए थोड़ा जिद्दी और कुछ जज्बाती हूं मैं। Live your life🙂 Instagram: Hello_Aashish Facebook: Aashish Vashistha.

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Aashish Vashistha

Young Generation

We all are faking smiles and carrying
a huge valley of 'unexpressed' emotions
within ourselves.

We all are perfect in sharing beautiful
stories on social media; but not perfect
in making our real stories better.

We are busy in our smartphones that
we have forgotten to understand
how it feels to write a 'letter' for someone.

Some of us do showoff on social media
which has nothing to do with our reality.

We are becoming "philanthropist" on 
social media but don't give a dam'n
about what others are going through.

In short, we are all fake.
And we feel it.

- Aashish Vashistha Dear People.
Please feel it ❤️

Dear People. Please feel it ❤️


Aashish Vashistha

दरवाज़ा कभी-कभी हम बस उस दरवाजे के अंदर
 बंद रहना चाहते हैं!!

दुनिया की चकाचौंध के बीच
 उस अंधेरे को महसूस करना चाहते हैं!!

कुछ पल के लिए ही सही,
 हम बस हम रहना चाहते हैं!! #दरवाजा

Aashish Vashistha

Some people don't do showoff

because they are busy in 'living'  their life. #Showoff #Life

Aashish Vashistha

Just don't give a dam'n;

what others think about you. Just a thought 👍

Just a thought 👍


Aashish Vashistha

When he was a child he used to think

Only talent and passion could fulfill 

his dreams.

Later he realized...

Sometimes money could crush his dreams.

And Indian Education System is a fine business!! The Sad reality of our Indian Education System!! 😉

The Sad reality of our Indian Education System!! 😉


Aashish Vashistha

This year was not good for everyone but we all have learnt a lot of lessons this year.

To the people who brought a lot of smile's on my face 
during this tough year.

To the people who always supported me directly or indirectly.
The ones who have shower upon me their unconditional love.

To those who have Cherished my achievements and always inspired me for transformation.

To those people who were lurking in the shadows but were my back during my hardest times.

To those who always believed in what I believe.

To those who have helped me during the times i needed them the most.

And for sure to those who aren't a part of my life, so far but so good.

I remember everything.

Happy Ending. Happy New Year.

Happy New Year. #2020Lessons


Aashish Vashistha

This year taught me a lot of lessons:

1. You can be favorite for someone; but not all the time.

2. I don't know what breakup in relationship feels like, but breakup of friendship is worst and sometimes we blame ourselves for making that choice!!

3. You might get judged by your own family and that's the worst kind of pain.

4. Time waits for nobody.
Your loss is your loss, your mistakes are yours .
Nobody gives a dam'n to them!

5. Acceptance:
This year realised some of us to accept everyone with their flaws.
And nobody is perfect!
Some people just pretends to be perfect on social media.
But they are not really!!

Insta: @Hello_Aashish Lessons of #2020.

Lessons of 2020. #byebye2020


Aashish Vashistha

Never thought how the gloomy rooms which haunted us 

in the childhood, becomes our favourite place sometimes!! sometimes we seek relief in the places where there's no light.
But it needs a break!!

sometimes we seek relief in the places where there's no light. But it needs a break!!


Aashish Vashistha

Sometimes people lose moon while counting the stars!

Their fault, not yours. #quote

Aashish Vashistha

Sometimes people lose moon while counting the stars!

Their fault, not yours. Quotes #Quote #EnglishPoetry