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Manoj Upadhyay

Teacher in Reputed Eng med school

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Manoj Upadhyay

* Rivers do not drink their own water.
* Trees do not eat their own fruits.
* The Sun does not shine on itself.
* And flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves.
* Living for others is a rule of Nature.
* We are all born to help each other.
* No matter how difficult it is..
* Life is good when you are happy.
* But much better when others are happy because of you.

©Manoj Upadhyay

Manoj Upadhyay

भक्ति ,ज्ञान ,वैराग्य, मोक्ष,जहाँ जहाँ चरण पड़े ।
1008 H.H Acharyashriji &" Param Pujya Mota Maharajshriji"
Sadar Charan Sparsh ," khub Khub "Jay swaminarayan "

©Manoj Upadhyay

Manoj Upadhyay

मात्र भक्ति, ज्ञान ,वैराग्य ,मोक्ष जहाँ जहां चरण पड़े ।

Sadar charan Sparsh "Acharyashriji" & Param Pujya Mota Maharajshriji" Khub Khub "Jay Swaminarayan"

©Manoj Upadhyay

Manoj Upadhyay

માત્ર ભક્તિ, જ્ઞાન, વૈરાગ્ય,જ્યાં જ્યાં ચરણ પડે ,પરમ પૂજ્ય 1008 આચાર્ય શ્રીજી & પૂજ્ય મોટા મહારાજ જી,સાદર ચરણ સ્પર્શ " ખૂબ ખૂબ જય સ્વામિનારાયણ".

©Manoj Upadhyay

Manoj Upadhyay

We are elctromagnetic 
the sun is electric 
The earth is magnetic 
we are electromagnetic 
if we don't pray 
if we don't medidate .
The connection between human & earth becomes disconnected .
We are conductors.

©Manoj Upadhyay

Manoj Upadhyay

The best & most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.They must be felt.

©Manoj Upadhyay

Manoj Upadhyay

Creativity has three layers: The ultimate is the mystic.He lives in the climate of creativity; beyond perpetually.The poet ,musician once vists beyond stays there for a while & bring treasures from beyond.So one thing is certain.Whatsoever beautiful comes to the world comes from beyond .

©Manoj Upadhyay

Manoj Upadhyay

Cretivity has three layers:
The ultimate is the mystic.
He lives in the climate of
creativity; beyond perpetually.The poet,musician once vists beyound stays there for a while & bring treasures from beyound.So one thing is certain.Whatsoever  beautiful comes to the world,comes from beyond.


©Manoj Upadhyay

Manoj Upadhyay


Manoj Upadhyay

what is life ?
Life is a journey between B & D
B = birth & D = death
But C is in between 
And what is this C ?
C is a choice .
want to suffer, Don't suffer
feel hurt
don't feel hurt
you have a choice to suffer or not to suffer.
Get hurt or not to get hurt
You have a choice .
Take your choice.
Live life happily.

©Manoj Upadhyay