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Hey! you know what?
There's a trembling and bewildering fact
which are the consequences of our selfish act
and of that greedy and adverse pact.
You know earth doesn't favour humans and his clans
neither does it supports our cruel deeds and lethal plans.
We are not even in the nature's list and not even our glands
and nature's list reveals viruses, plants and their clans.

Earth is regaining its authenticity with dustless smiles
regaining from the filth stocked in the piles
because we are stucked inside the tower of tiles
and now we can see the distant sky far across the miles
stained sky, murky air and crowded earth is clear
nature is at it's top who previously was inside the blanket of fear
who previously was in solitude for almost a hundred years
who previously was drowned in the immense oceans of tears

We gree smokes, we grew holes sky and we grew guns
she grew plants, she grew animals, she grew moons and she grew suns
she grew bird, she grew clouds, she grew viruses to suffer humans
because earth doesn't favour humans!


i discovered my infinite
yes. neverending infinite
far beyond than love
far beyond than you
where i found myself
painted by glittering rainbow
yes. i found myself.
yes. a dream
the way i fell
the way i rose
real fantasy in total.


i was scared
or i was illusioned
or, perhaps, was startled
i don't know
don't ask me,
or i was refused perhaps
under my eternal roof of ache
that we build
i suppose
where i shared my grief
with my comfortable nothingness
with all of my tears
devoured by beloved pillow
and then i rose
like the amber flame
like the vapours 
staring at my immense sky-
stars, moon, nebulae, milky way second part.

second part. #poem



yes. a dream
the way you came
the way you went
real fantasy in total
i couldn't say 'yes'
to your arrival
nor could i say 'no'
to your departure.
i just stared
like a blind heart
at your realistic sky
where you wrote else's poetry.
neither i inquired
nor i let me inquire
about that unexpected adieu
though i long for cause. #nojoto #poem #poetry 
first part

nojoto #poem #Poetry first part




a dream
a mirage
a greed
that is never enough
that is never achieved
a hunger
my hunger for books,
for nature
a desire
my desire to be loved
a fuel
that takes you to moon
that takes you to dungeon
it is satisfaction
a dream 
a mirage 
a greed.



you can see,
that's called virtuality.
you can sense
but can't see, touch
you are sure
with enough doubt
that makes you
that's called reality.



I love you? I love you! I love you.
Confused. Startled. Confident.
the dilemmas of life inside a life
perhaps of a growing, broken and healing heart
perhaps of a heart that feels
eyes that see
and life they live
story perhaps
perhaps life
I love you? I love you! I love you.
a universe
peace : peace : peace !



Do you think the sky is really neutral? With no positivity? With no negativity? With the vastness of solitude and without a flinch of arrogance? Yes absolutely! He or she? SHE, for me, as she gives birth to the numerous holy silvery threads, electric dance, roaring wavelengths. It transforms cotton candy clouds to the clouds that represent black holes. It produces varieties of water:- rainwater, hailstorm, snow enticing them to reveal the authenticity of nature and sometimes to punish the manly deeds. Is she powerful? Yes of course dear, without a minute hesitation. You haven't seen her capturing the mighty pale source behind its black cage which are the heavenly descendants of earthly waters? And yeah she is extremely beautiful with her immense vastness of serenity and solitude. Sunrise, sunset, rainbow. It's unending acrobatics. And most importantly, the sky is not the sky we see. It hides infinite numbers of mystery, perhaps more mysteries that are accumulated inside our complex brain. A universe within us. You remember this world, among the countless world in infinite universe perhaps, told you, " sky is your limit." Behold! They beguiled you, me and us. The sky is just a beginning!

                - the_curiouspoet #Heart



Don't attach the yellow stone to your skin that is temporary
Don't yearn for the Illuminating stone on your head
For they are worthless against your beauty,
But avarice is devouring it continuously.
Don't give chance the branded skin to overtake your skin
Rather be a brand of your own, my friend,
Sow a seed of diamond in your mind
And paint the gold to your heart;
Don't pretend, be yourself!

Peace is within you from the beginning
Discover it and be yourself my friend,
And don't beguile the innocents
Proclaiming that you are a seeker of truth;
Be yourself by sharing love and experiencing peace,
Don't be a liar nor a hypocryte nor a tyrant
Be yourself as you are supposed to be.

Murder the thoughts about apotheosis
For he is within you
Just you are ignoring to reveal him,
Follow the teaching not the teachers and be yourself
For that teaching eliminates the chaos in you.
Stop yoking your face to attract the eyes
For your soul can't hold your fake face anymore.

Be yourself!
And try to grasp the unlikeness of day and night,
It is good to be alone ignoring cunning sects
Which attempts to kill your knowledge
By a sword of ignorance,
And end your day with your own philosophy
For life is yours and also the experience.
My friend!
Don't be best friend of echelon and status
For they loathes the mind to tear your heart
And entice your pearls to secrete sea water .
Try not to be Gandhi nor Hitler 
Nor Lenin nor Marx nor Alexander,
Be yourself, my friend, be yourself
Because the air you breathe is yours.

- the_curiouspoet




His weary face but undefeated eyes
Rotten net but experienced hand 
Hovering over the life of liquid,
His ray of vision
Plunge into the atoms of water
As an arrow plunges into ones hand
Shattering his memories throughout invisible gas.

The glittering sun and the wandering breeze
Turn by turn kidding with his face
His white old hair and toiled skin
Reflects him more like a SELFISH GIANT
And beneath the liquid
Celebrated fishes and their beloved ones
Observing the net to escape from it.

The touch of 70's  upon his face
But the spirit of 20's inside his heart
Makes him a true warrior
And pulling the net towards his stomach
To count the rupees, sticked on the net:
He becomes an almighty's warrior!

His grin challenging the rays of amber flame
His old body and young shadow
Performing "Struggle for Existence"
Beneath a star and upon a planet
And looking at his evolving body 
One might think that
It is changing and growing older
But the fact, changing it is not, but evolving!

Glitters of water that is salty
Shining on his face and throughout body
As the eyes of an infant shine
On being welcomed to this alien world
And the dreams
Of his small universe
Evolving on his small hut
Will be fulfilled SOMEDAY.

- the_curiouspoet #poem #fisherman #fish #poetry

poem fisherman fish poetry
