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On my 26th, I am grateful to my friends for sending me some special wishes. I have felt great pleasure in the fact that they remembered it and were able to spare time for me. I can't thank each of them enough. As for myself, birth-day and new-year are a point where I can look back at what I have achieved vis-a-vis what I had intended at the start of cycle. If I see it from outside, I should be happy that I have spent another period in terms of work & also that I have reached an academic milestone. However, what bothers me all the time is the quality of how it has gone past. The search for a meaning of life is still on. One mustn't keep walking like everyone else without a sense of purpose. I sometimes feel lost when I think about it. I find myself wanting for words too. There seems to be a contest happening between different factors inside. One day I will be able to explain. Right now what's striking my mind are Faraz’s lines.



©PK a note on my #birthday


شہرِ آشوب

(احمد فراز)

©PK شہرِ آشوب 
احمد فراز
#Faraz #AhmedFaraz az

شہرِ آشوب احمد فراز #faraz #AhmedFaraz az #سماج



With the removal of foreign domination, the people are now the final arbiters of their destiny. They have perfect liberty to have by constitutional means any Government that they may choose. This cannot, however, mean that any group may now attempt by any unlawful methods to impose its will on the popularly elected Government of the day. The Government and its policy may be changed by the votes of the elected representatives.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah
{Dhaka 28-3-1948}

©PK Jinnah on People’s Choice!

Jinnah on People’s Choice! #Quote



چاند اور میں
چاند سے میں نے کہا، اے مِری راتوں کے رفیق
توُ، کہ سرگشتہ و تنہا تھا سدا میری طرح
اپنے سینے میں چُھپائے ھُوئے لاکھوں گھاؤ
تُودکھاوے کے لیے ہنستا رہا میری طرح
ضوفشاں حُسن تیرا میرے ہُنر کی صورت
اور مُقدّر میں اندھیرے کی ردا میری طرح
وہی تقدیر تیری، میری زمیں کی گردش
وہی افلاک کا نخچیرِ جفا میری طرح
تیرے منظر بھی ہیں ویراں میرے خوابوں جیسے
تیرے قدموں میں بھی زنجیرِ وفا میری طرح
وہی صحرائے شبِ زیست میں تنہا سفری
وہی ویرانہء جاں دشتِ بلا میری طرح
آج کیوں میری رفاقت بھی گراں ھے تجھ کو
توُ کبھی اتنا بھی افسردہ نہ تھا میری طرح
چاند نے مجھ سے کہا، اے میرے پاگل شاعر
تُو، کہ محرم ہے میرے قریہء تنہائی کا
تجھ کو معلوم ہے جو زخم میری رُوح میں ہے
مجھ کو حاصل ہے شرف تیری شناسائی کا
موجزن ہے میرے اطراف میں اِک بحرِ سکوُت
اور چرچا ہے فضا میں تیری گویائی کا
آج کی شب میرے سینے پہ وہ قابیل اُترا
جس کی گردن پہ دمکتا ہے لہوُ بھائی کا
میرے دامن میں نہ ہیرے ہیں، نہ سونا چاندی
اور بجُز اس کے نہیں شوق تمنائی کا
مجھ کو دُکھ ہے کہ نہ لے جائیں یہ دُنیا والے
میری دُنیا ہے خزانہ میری تنہائی کا

©PK چاند اور میں
احمد فراز

چاند اور میں احمد فراز #شاعری



I congratulate @inking_insights on reaching the 1k followers landmark. I have waited for this moment & I’m pleased to see this happening. If there has been one handle out here in this app for whom I have wished for more reach then it has to be this one. The effort and time this user puts in order to contribute towards the cause is admirable. Plus, the cat clicks have been satisfying.
 Being a HC member, it makes me more delighted to see the growth of my comrades. I wish meow good luck with the current and future endeavours.
(PK | 4-3-2024)


©PK 1k followers on x for @meow_insights 

1k followers on x for @meow_insights #congrats #Thoughts



My father started his professional life before Nawaz Sharif was planted by Gen Zia as CM Punjab. He kept striving for a better living and a bright future for us. Simultaneously, he watched Pakistan falling right in front of his very eyes as the menace grown by the Pak Army was busy growing his businesses, overseas flats & fighting another cult in the form of Zardari group. Pakistan’s neighbours reached new heights of progress while Pakistan (military) kept raising white elephants.
I started my career from a point that was someway ahead of where my father had started. This was the progress we made in course of decades. We own it as we fought for it. As I continue to struggle on the same lines, I see my own Army’s Chief Gen Asim stealing the mandate of overwhelming majority of Pakistani citizens in broad daylight, appointing Nawaz Sharif’s incompetent daughter as CM Punjab & making way for a repeat telecast. This makes me question whether we are lesser humans? Why do we have to play fair, carry the burden of aims and expectations, follow rules and regulations when others receive a whole state’s resources without them doing anything in their lives?
Neither Nawaz Sharif nor his daughter were qualified, experienced or competent for the job. They did not possess public’s mandate either. Criteria was the extent to how much they could follow the Army dictators to lead Pakistan towards the deepest ditches of disgrace at the expense of Army’s image; the same institution which was once sought after as the last resort and hope of nation against corruption, bribery & foreign influence. Now it seems that the institution itself is the biggest pawn of foreign influence and inbuilt vested interests.
A leader is the one who inspires the followers for a cause, who has a charisma of being himself; someone who can be looked at as a torchbearer or the one who has lead by example in the past too. Slaves and their generations can never be leaders. We’ve been kept in ignorance for not less than 76 years. Fake identities, fake bravado, fake nationalism, false narratives and so-called ‘leaders’ have brought us to this point where we have no respect among the comity of nations.
This infuriates and frustrates me as a loyal citizen of the state who himself has neither ever taken a stapler pin from public’s resources nor intends to follow the path of nepotism. What has happened in this country since August 1947 is the true manifestation of George Orwell’s Animal Farm where
“All animals are Equal but some animals are more Equal than the others”

©PK mera mulk milk-e-yateem hai

mera mulk milk-e-yateem hai #pakistanelections #Life



ہم پر تمہاری چاہ کا الزام ہی تو ہے
دشنام تو نہیں ہے یہ اکرام ہی تو ہے 
کرتے ہیں جس پہ طعن کوئی جُرم تو نہیں
شوقِ فضول و الفتِ ناکام ہی تو ہے 
دل مدعی کے حرفِ ملامت سے شاد ہے
اے جانِ جاں یہ حرف ترا نام ہی تو ہے 
دل ناامید تو نہیں ناکام ہی تو ہے
لمبی ہے غم کی شام مگر شام ہی تو ہے 
دستِ فلک میں گردشِ تقدیر تو نہیں
دستِ فلک میں گردشِ ایام ہی تو ہے 
آخر تو ایک روز کرے گی نظر وفا
وہ یار خوش خصال سرِ بام ہی تو ہے 
بھیگی ہے رات فیضؔ غزل ابتدا کرو 
وقتِ سرود درد کا ہنگام ہی تو ہے

©PK ”ہم پر تمہاری چاہ کا الزام ہی تو ہے“
برائے #عمران_خان

”ہم پر تمہاری چاہ کا الزام ہی تو ہے“ برائے #عمران_خان #loveshayari



“Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s Six Points”

1. The Constitution should provide for a Federation of Pakistan in its true sense based on the Lahore Resolution, and the parliamentary form of government with supremacy of a Legislature directly elected on the basis of universal adult franchise.
2. The federal government should deal with only two subjects: Defence and Foreign Affairs, and all other residual subjects should be vested in the federating states.
3. Two separate, but freely convertible currencies for the two wings should be introduced; or if this is not feasible, there should be one currency for the whole country, but effective constitutional provisions should be introduced to stop the flight of capital from East to West Pakistan. Furthermore, a separate reserve bank should be established and separate fiscal and monetary policy be adopted for East Pakistan.
4. The power of taxation and revenue collection should be vested in the federating units and the federal centre would have no such power. The federation would be entitled to a share in the state taxes to meet its expenditures.
5. There should be two separate accounts for the foreign exchange earnings of the two wings; the foreign exchange requirements of the federal government should be met by the two wings equally or in a ratio to be fixed; indigenous products should move free of duty between the two wings, and the constitution should empower the units to establish trade links with foreign countries.
6. East Pakistan should have a separate military or paramilitary force, and Navy headquarters should be in East Pakistan

©PK Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s Six Points
#Pakistan #Bangladesh

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s Six Points #Pakistan #Bangladesh #Mythology



شیشوں کا مسیحا کوئی نہیں

©PK شیشوں کا مسیحا کوئی نہیں

شیشوں کا مسیحا کوئی نہیں #فیض #مائیتھالوجی



تیرے ایوانوں میں پُرزے ہوئے پیماں کتنے
کتنے وعدے جو نہ آسودۂ اقرار ہوئے
کتنی آنکھوں کو نظر کھا گئی بد خواہوں کی
خواب کتنے تری شہ راہوں میں سنگسار ہوئے

©PK ہم تو مجبورِ وفا ہیں

ہم تو مجبورِ وفا ہیں #فیض_احمد_فیض #مائیتھالوجی
